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veröffentlicht um 28.04.2015, 02:08 von W K   [ aktualisiert: 28.04.2015, 02:50]
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11 from Quarteera on Vimeo.

Wir sind sehr froh euch dieses bewegende und schöne Video vom Künstler und Quarteera-Mitglied Mischa Badasyan vorzustellen. Im Rahmen seines Projekts SAVE THE DATE trifft sich Mischa jeden Tag mit einen neuen Mann, 365 Tage lang. Die Geschichte eines dieser Männer, der sich mit 11 Jahren das Leben nehmen wollte, bewegte Mischa dazu dieses Video zu drehen. Auf eine sehr persönliche und poetische Weise verarbeitet darin Badasyan solch schwierige Themen wie Selbstmordgedanken, Einsamkeit und innere Kraft.
In Kooperation mit Quarteera e.V.


Mischa Badasyan currently works on his performance piece called SAVE THE DATE. Every day he meets someone new and so for the whole year. In December he dated B., a young student from Berlin. His story touched Mischa a lot – at the age of 11 B. tried to commite suicide by jumping out of a window. At the time his parents were divorced and he was staying with his mother who had to work at three different jobs to feed the family. B. was feeling guilty for that and because he loved his mother, he decided to help her, to reduce the pressure and stress. One day he was totally alone. Mother went to work, B. skipped school B. Skiped the school and stayed at home. At one point he made a decision to jump out of the window. But before to take his last step the wanted to say goodbey to his mother. So he stood on the window sill and took the phone to call mother. She was working in the hospital. As the phone rang her colleagues quickly asked her to come over. The talk on the phone lasted more than 30 min. While speaking to his son mother managed to call on the other line to the grandfather to save kid. Somehow grandfather came ontime and grabbed B.from the window down. He was saved. 26 years old now, he is living and studying in Berlin.

poem by Mischa Badasyan

Город незнакомый

никого никого

и только ступени, 

которые ведут наверх

Я закрою окно

Я закрою окно

за собой

за собой

Слова проглатывает темнота

глаза слепнут

город в моих ногах

страх и пустота

я на краю

высота не пугает

мой шаг — это боль

ступени и тишина


Я закрою окно

Я закрою окно

за собой

за собой

Я ушел,

закрыв окно

кто-то постучал,

а там только свет

я ушел со светом,

погасив боль

director of photography Anne Kathrine Bindesbøll

photography by Maike Schäfer und Vivien Kyra

performer Alex

assistance Nicole Banowetz, Frank Pingel, Ina Maier

music Daniel Siegmund

editing Mischa Badasyan

co-editing Lucas Levon

video produced in cooperation with QUARTEERA e.V.

thanks to Miss Moon and Plateau Gallery